August 20, 2007

en route

Dear ones,
I have just returned from a lovely stay on the sea with my sisters, a week that seems fleeting now, and tomorrow I leave for Macedonia (The Struga Poetry Evenings) and the Vilenica festival in Slovenia after that. You can google both, and maybe someone, more adept at this than I am, could post the links? I am a bit apprehensive about the journey, but I think it will be good for me. I have so enjoyed your posts since my week-long absence, and what a beautiful bride is Molly!
Split Rock sent me your evaluations of my work with you, and I read with an elated heart. Thank you so much for buoying my spirit as you have. I will try to post from my journeys if there is internet.
Much love and good wishes for your poems,

1 comment:

CX said...

Bon Voyage, Carolyn!

How delightful. Looking forward to hearing more from Macedonia & Slovenia! I know your travels will be smooth and the experiences delicious.

My prayers and poems are with you.

Travel well.

Always, Cliff/CX